CASCADE - Whirling foot bath
Characteristics Suitable especially as equipment for watering places, sanatoria, rehabilitation, sport and recreational centres
Application The highly effective whirling water effect is suitable in curing injuries, inflammations, disorders of the nervous system, states of exhausted neuro-myotic apparatus of lower limbs, recovery after excessive physical load
  • 2-circuit system of directionally adjustable nozzles guarantees maximum curing action
  • the massage effect is increased by air admixture being snatched away by watr stream
  • in combining thermal and mechanical effects it is possible to achieve maximum relaxation of muscles, joints of lower limbs
  • simple attendance and check of adjusted parameters by ergonomic hand-operated controls and digital control panel
  • the set-up parameters (temperature, time of cures, pump operation) are indicated optically and acoustically
  • the optimum size design of the tub interior results in low water consumption
Versions It is possible, according to the customer's wish, to supply the tub in six basic colours, and at extra charge another colour shades are available
Basic Technical Parameters
  • maximum tub capacity - 230 litres
  • useful tub capacity - 140 litres
  • time of tub filling - 1 minute
  • time of tub emptying - 1,5 minute
  • inlet of warm and cold water - 2 x 3/4"


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