ELECTRA - Limb galvanic bath
Characteristics Designed for the equipment of spas, sanatoria, rehabilitation, sporting and recreational facilties
Application Therapy of polyneuritis, polyneuralgis, neurosis, arteriosclerotic paresthesias, cramps of calf muscles, artical pains by degenerative arthritis, etc.
  • ergonomic solution of the tub design meets the most demanding criteria and furthers the patient's comfort during the cures
  • tanks for hands are rotary and capable of horizontal positioning
  • each of four tanks containes two electrodes thus enabling to perform cures in each of them independently on the others
  • setting-up of the water temperature and filling-in is solved by means of a thermostatic battery
  • fully electronic control provides choice between different modes of cures and an independent regulation of parameters in the ser up intervals
Versions It is possible, according to the customer's wish, to supply the tub in six basic colours, and at extra charge another colour shades are available
Basic Technical Parameters
  • hand tanks volume - 2 x 14 litres
  • foot tanks volume - 2 x 32 litres
  • water supply - 3/4"
  • outklet valves in tanks - 3/4"
  • valve for tanks filling - 1/2"
  • working temperature range is +10oC to 30oC
  • weight - 65 KG
  • voltage - frequency - power: 220V-50/60 Hz-70 VA
  • dimensions (L x W x H): 1220 x 1030 x 920 mm
    Operating modes:
  • Galvanic DC current
  • MP - monophase - 50 Hz
  • DP - diphase - 100 Hz
  • LP - long phase - 5s +10s DP, 1s transition
  • CP - 1s MP + 1s DP


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